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Swiss Gambling Law

Swiss Gambling Law

ICLG - Gambling Laws and Regulations - The Switzerland chapter covers common issues in gambling laws and regulations - including relevant authorities and laws, application for a license, Gambling Act, Gambling Act BGS Loi fd rale sur les jeux d'argent LJAr 51 was adopted by the Swiss people It and its, In, a new Swiss federal law on gambling Loi Federal de Jeux d'argent: LJAr came into force after a vote by the Swiss electorate. The compromise is intended to pave the way for a new gambling law that replaces the Lottery and Betting Act and the Gambling Act. The new law requires a law to consolidate the law on the suppression of various forms of illegal gambling and the regulation of authorized non-casino gambling services in order to abolish betting, general casinos, private lotteries and remote gambling. and to be related and consequential, In, a new Swiss federal law on gambling Loi Federal de Jeux d'argent: LJAr came into force after a vote by the Swiss electorate. Should be modernized and harmonized. Politics. BFS number. KM05-A619a-17.3-c-voge-2018-ie. Survey, statistics. Statistics of elections and votes. Related documents. Referendum: regional results. Return to overview.Statement of Licensing Principles for Gambling, PDF, 6. The Council is also required to display the above notice on its public notice board at its offices at Westminster City Hall, Street, London QP. A printed copy of the new gambling policy statement will also be available. The current legislation in Switzerland consists of the Lottery Act and the Gambling Act, neither of which have been significantly changed. Only Swiss gambling.

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